An Eccentric Boro Fragment: Twill Cotton and Large Scale Patches
ca. late nineteenth, early twentieth century
52" x 13 1/2", 132 cm x 34 cm
If a boro cloth can be termed "exciting," then this one is. It is full of visual surprises in its patching and in its stitching, and its base cloth is just strange and wonderful: it is a kind of eccentric woven twill, faintly striped, primarily in blue and white. Please have a close look at the accompanying photographs to see the woven structure of this boro cloth which seems to have been culled from an old kimono.
And as eccentric is the stitching and patching is, it is even more interesting because this boro panel is equally interesting on both sides. Again, have a look at the detail photos which accompany this posting for a view onto front and back. You will also see a 4" or 10 cm horizontal tear to the piece which weakens the strength of the cloth itself, so care must be taken in handling this old boro panel.
A wild and beautiful piece of old Japanese cloth, which begs to be examined carefully on each of its two sides.