A Sakiori Obi: Muted Variegated Oranges

$105.00 USD

mid twentieth century
110" x 8 1/2", 279.5 cm x 21.5 cm 

This is a beautifully colored sakiori obi, a sakiori obi being a rustic, traditional kimono sash that is woven using shredded cotton cloth as its weft yarn.

Its coloration is low-contrast due to the closely-spaced white colored warp yarns that create a haze over and soften the weft yarn colors.

The weft yarns are orange-ish, pink-ish, reddis and mottled multi-colored and these weft yarns are fed in blocks so as to create a regular rhythm going up the length of the obi.

This is a lovely folk textile in a fairly unusual color palette and a good example of a sakiori obi.

A Sakiori Obi: Muted Variegated Oranges