A Pair of Heavyweight Boro Gloves: Rustic, Tattered and Recycled

$295.00 USD

early to mid twentieth century
each glove: 10" x 6", 25.5 cm x 5.25

This is a pair of home made, thickly layered, very tattered work gloves of recycled cottons that are both hand stitched and machine stitched.

They have been been heavily worn and extremely well-used as can be seen by their rugged condition and their overall rustic quality.

Each on is very different from the other although the two are clearly from the same maker. The one on the right shows a fragment of a tenugui or a kind of cotton hand towel and both gloves show a "border" around the wrist of kasuri cotton.

By looking at the photos that accompany this post it is clear to see the amount of unraveling to each of the gloves is a result of a lot of hard work on the part of the owner. 

Garment accessories like these seen here provide insight and provoke musing into the general tone of life which was led by the farmer, fisherman or whoever it was that used these gloves during their lifetime. Begging our imagination to travel to a place and time that is now obsolete is an interesting exercise and one that can be guided by reading books on life in rural Japan.

