A Length of Sakiori Cloth: Muted Colors and Interesting Warp
$125.00 USD
ca. mid twentieth century
64" x 14 1/2", 162.5 cm x 37 cm
This is a really gorgeous length of sakiori, a kind of weaving that uses shredded cloth for its weft yarn; sakiori is rag weave.
The regularly set warp yarns are white cotton, which are placed in varied densities so as to create a varied, white stripe effect. The weft is cotton
rag and the variegated colors of the weft seem randomly fed against the
warp, creating a lovely progression of soft color up the length of the cloth; this panel is beautifully faded from use.
Most likely this sakiori panel is taken from a kotatsugake or hearth cover.
Beautiful and recommended.