A Length of Katazome Dyed Cotton: Tachibana and Folding Fans
late nineteenth century
34" x 13 1/2", 86.25 cm x 34 cm
This is a charming length of indigo dyed katazome cotton that shows judiciously placed orange colored accents, the orange tone is achieved by stenciling on bengara, an iron oxide derived pigment dye.
The playful design shows folding fans and tachibana or stylized mandarin oranges against a background of swirling arabesques.
The fans and tachibana are rendered using dots which adds a tone of airy delicacy to the design.
Looking at this pattern is visually uplifting for the buoyant nature of the repeat design.
The condition of this length of cloth is good and it seems to have not seen much use or wear.
Just delightful.