A Length of Heavily Woven Northern Japanese Hemp Cloth: Katazome

$165.00 USD

late nineteenth century
30" x 13 3/4", 76 cm x 35 cm

This is a length of heavily woven hemp cloth that is made of thick yarns. It is of a type woven in Japan's rural northeastern region and this particular kind is from the area of northern Iwate prefecture.

The checked design is katazome dyed in indigo and on the upper, right edge we see a dark area that was protected from wear or from exposure to light. The placement of this dark section indicates that this length was taken from a garment of some kind.

The katazome pattern is meant to mimic a woven check or plaid.

As is quite evident there is substantial wear and fading to the surface which gives it a soft tone, both in color and in texture.

This kind of rural hemp cloth is a marvelous type and because it was not produced widely there is not much of it to be found.
