A Length of Boldly Geometric Kurume Gasuri: Slight Blurring

$85.00 USD

early to mid twentieth century
60" x 13 3/4", 152.5 cm x 35 cm

This handsome length of indigo dyed cotton kasuri cloth is of a type made in the area of Kurume in Kyushu. Kurume gasuri is known for its bold, geometric, high-contrast graphics and this piece is typical of that style.

This panel was taken from a futon cover which probably would have been composed of four or five of these pieces, each taken from the same bolt.

When constructed and laid next to each other the geometric pattern would be compounded and would create a complex field of staggered white blocks in beautiful formation.

The contrast between the very deeply toned indigo and the undyed areas is rich and the weaving is fairly clear.

The pattern on this one panel is strong and, in person, arresting. It grabs your attention and keeps it. As is obvious, please note the blurry edges of some of the white block areas and slight loss to the very top of the length. As well, note ingrained dirt to the very bottom section; this did not come out with washing. This section could be cut away if it bothers you but it is not easy to discern when looking at the piece head on.

