A Hand Drawn Tsutsugaki Textile: Waves on Hand Spun Cotton

$175.00 USD

late nineteenth, early twentieth century
81" x 13", 206 cm x 33 cm

This long, narrow length of hand spun, hand dyed cotton cloth was taken from a yutan, a traditional Japanese furniture cover.

The cloth is dyed in the tsutsugaki or freehand paste resist method and it shows crashing waves all along the length of the cloth. The background of the scene is indigo which is over dyed in yellow to create a velvety green color. By looking at some of the resisted white areas you can see that some of the yellowish dye has bled into them.

The drawing is lively and rustic and the personality of each of the breaking waves is utterly charming.

A beautiful length of old, rural tsutsugaki cotton that is dyed on absolutely beautiful hand made cloth.

