A Full Bolt of Arashi Shibori: Unopened, Unused
mid twentieth century
as shown, when closed: 13 1/4" x 9 1/2" x 1 1/4", 33.5 cm x 24 cm x 3 cm
approximately 13 yards or 12 meters
This is something of a treasure as full bolts of old shibori are becoming increasingly difficult to find.
Offered here is an unopened, unused, straight-from-the-dyer full bolt of indigo dyed arashi shibori cotton.
As such, the bolt is stitched closed using long, tight stitches that clamp the bolt into place making it a package of sorts. If one is to open the bolt to use it for the first time since it was made decades ago there may be some ingrained creasing where these strong stitches have been pressing into the shibori cloth.
The cotton seems to be in good condition and there does not appear to be any noticeable yellowing to the white cotton. However as the bolt has never been opened one can assume the entire length is in good condition but that is not guaranteed.
This bolt was intended to be hand stitched to become a yukata or an unlined, casual summer kimono and the double arashi pattern is a desirable one.
Very recommended.