A Beautiful Indigo Dyed Cotton Boro Futon Cover Section: Good Age

$425.00 USD

late nineteenth century
64" x 24 3/4", 162.5 cm x 63 cm

This is a two-panel piece of a futon cover. It is beautiful, it has age, it is of wonderful quality--and if you have been waiting to buy a very good boro textile or if you have been wanting to add to your collection this is one to consider.

All the cloth used to compose this futon cover section is hand loomed and they seem to be contemporary to one another.

The layers of cloth, their unintentionally artful placement, their unwitting combinations and the wonderful stitched and mended details all add up to create a beautiful boro textile worth owning.

And it is the age, this is not to be understated as it is a key ingredient in the appreciation boro textiles. This has it, this is obvious especially when handling the cloth and zooming into the details: so much of the cotton seems hand spun, it is all hand woven, to be sure.

The color tones and how they relate to each other in scale and design are just right. The patterns as they slightly clash are beautiful. The overall wear to the surface (front and back) define its authenticity.

This is a good quality old boro fragment.

