A Mid-Nineteenth Century Lacquered Tray from Shiga Prefecture: Kutsuki bon

$295.00 USD

vmid nineteenth century
9 3/4" x 3/4", 24.75 cm x 2 cm

This small, round, lacquered wood tray shows a red design on black background.

The design is that of a stylized 16 petaled chrysanthemum, a characteristic motif that defines this type of vessel in Kutsuki lacquer, a type which was made in the area of Kutsuki mura, Shiga prefecture, on the west side of Lake Biwa.

As can be seen in all photos that show the proper front of the tray, there is evidence of cups being placed on this surface--a charming reminder that this very old piece was once put to use either in someone's home, or an inn, or a restaurant.

Aside from the ringed clouding on the surface which traces the bottoms of cups that were carried on the tray, there is also some peeling to the lacquer finish, not surprising in that the tray was well-used during its lifetime.

This is a beautifully recognizable folk art object that still today emits great presence and charm and is still in good enough condition to be used for decades (or more) to come.
